Who We Are
We are a friendly, relevant church, who work at the heart of the community so if you are looking for a new experience in church life or just want to find out about Christianity, click here to find out more.

Our Leaders
Our Senior Ministers, Alan and Betty Bliss welcome you to take a closer look at our Leadership Team. Click here to find out a little about those with leadership roles within the church.

What to expect
Before you visit us there may be some practical information you might need. We've tried to cover any questions you may have, please take a look here

You can join us at WCC on Sunday mornings from 10.30am for a time of worship, prayer, message and communion.
We live stream the Sunday morning message via Facebook most weeks; which starts around 10.45am. Click on the logo to join us, or catch up later in the week via our YouTube channel.
Check our Online Church page for other online services.
We want you to grow in your faith and be equipped to live a vibrant & Christ-centred life.
How we do this is changing all the time. We host a variety of meetings in the church building and online using Zoom. Please take a look at the Onsite Church and Online Church pages for more information
If you would like to contact us for further information about other groups/meetings, please fill in your request details below and we'll respond as soon as possible:
Wickford Christian Centre